The Quad Cities Metro LRTP (Long Range Transportation Plan) serves a variety of purposes: to move forward the regional vision, to guide future project development, and to identify needs for coordination and cooperation related to our transportation network. The plan identifies future travel demand and freight needs. It also looks at the current transportation system's ability to meet these demands and identifies what improvements will be needed to address excess demand. As projects are identified, they are then directed through the short-range planning and programming process to ultimate implementation or construction.

Quad Cities Metropolitan Area IA-IL 2045 Plan (Under Development)

Every five years, the Quad Cities MPO Long Range Transportation Plan is updated. Public involvement is a key component in plan development.  Public meetings were held in May 2014 to kick-off the plan development.  A web-based public engagement tool was used from April to May 2014 to collect input on system strengths, weaknesses, and needs.  An assessment survey was released in October 2014 for additional feedback.  The results will be used for formulate metro-area transportation goals and performance objectives.  Various travel modes will be reviewed and additional information will be release as the 2045 plan is drafted.  A full draft is expected in early 2016.

2040 Plan (Adopted)
The current Long Range Transportation Plan was adopted on June 22, 2011. This plan is provided below. The plan forecasts over thirty years into the future the Quad Cities Metropolitan Area's transportation needs through 2040. The plan examined road and highway needs and also transit, pedestrian/bicycle, rail, and other intermodal transportation needs. The plan is financially attainable, therefore revenue forecasts are included.

2040 Quad Cities MPO Long Range Transportation Plan - FINAL (Maps Included)
icon 2040 Lrtp Intro.pdf (3.27 MB)
FINAL - Introductory Pages, Table of Contents

icon 2040 Lrtp Chapter1.pdf (823.79 kB)
FINAL - Chapter 1 - Introduction

icon 2040 Lrtp Chapter2.pdf (237.06 kB)
FINAL - Chapter 2 - Transportation Goals and Performance Objectives

icon 2040 Lrtp Chapter3.pdf (8.91 MB)
FINAL - Chapter 3 - Quad Cities Area Profile

icon 2040 Lrtp Chapter4.pdf (11.21 MB)
FINAL - Chapter 4 - Roadway Network

icon 2040 Lrtp Chapter5.pdf (2.51 MB)
FINAL - Chapter 5 - Non-Motorized Transportation Network

icon 2040 Lrtp Chapter6.pdf (1.94 MB)
FINAL - Chapter 6 - Passenger Transportation and Intermodal Network

icon 2040 Lrtp Chapter7.pdf (1.32 MB)
FINAL - Chapter 7 - Freight Transportation and Intermodal Network

icon 2040 Lrtp Chapter8.pdf (3.04 MB)
FINAL - Chapter 8 - Proposed Transportation System for Sustainability

icon 2040 Lrtp AppendixA.pdf (3.72 MB)
FINAL - Appendix A - Public Involvement Process

icon 2040 Lrtp AppendixB.pdf (422.7 kB)
FINAL - Appendix B - Model Documentation

icon 2040 Lrtp AppendixC.pdf (1.19 MB)
FINAL - Appendix C - Congestion Management Process

icon 2040 Lrtp AppendixD.pdf (159.88 kB)
FINAL - Appendix D - List of Acronyms